Although I had decreased the volume of the music in the conversation was not clear and the video sounded awkward.
As said in the last post because I switched from video to iMovie I had new options for me.
- In iMovie I found the button to eliminate background noises this was the ultimate key to hearing the audio and still being able to put the background music.
Another topic I thought was important to discuss was the credits and how spaced they appear.
-The two screens had nothing in order for the audio to recognize our main character and the setting behind her.
I skipped one clip in between credits so the audience wasn't always reading and so the credits were spaced out. I did not include credits in the conversation scene because I wanted the audience listening instead of just looking and reading.
3rd: A film by Maria Jauregui
5th: Sophia Blanco
7th: Isabel Gambril
9th clip: Written, Directed and Edited by Maria Jauregui
11th clip: Featuring Music by Hamburhood Records
13th clip: Cinematographed and Produced by Sophia Blanco
15th and 16th: (short clips so I put it in two): Starring Isabel Gambrill as Elena
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